We believe if you recognised Baby Bear’s Chair as belonging to the fairy tale; chances are you were read to as a child. This ancient craft of reading aloud to children is backed by science to have an extraordinary impact on a child’s future success at school and beyond. Reading aloud to children before school can empower them as curious learners to become effective communicators, strong readers, imaginative writers, original thinkers and creative problem solvers.

Baby Bear’s Chair started with the need to find a beautiful and practical way to connect babies and toddlers to storybooks. We have made small wooden chairs so that babies and toddlers could have their very own reading chair because we believe reading is:
- a magical part of childhood,
- an expression of love,
- one of the most powerful ways to influence a baby’s speech and cognitive development,
- and it plays a huge role in strengthening our relationships with our children.
Secondly we wanted to promote the morning walk as the simple ritual to connect babies to nature believing nature will make a lasting impression on them; and that these children will grow up with a greater commitment and motivation to protect the natural environments that they felt so strongly connected to as a child. We believe these children will grow in the new knowledge and certainty that the Earth is their kin. They would come to know fully the relationship of Earth as Family.

So we re-contextualised The Three Bears narrative giving the family an eagerly awaited Sea Change and with the new look and the belief that
experiencing nature and books every day were as necessary as feeding and nappy changes we created a large banner 2400 X 2100mm to help get our
message across. The banner is our ‘selfie’ backdrop – for selfies taken in front of the Three Bear’s New House – #you’ll never guess who’s house I passed on my walk
this morning? Knowing how busy working families are and with our love affair with bilums; a human- baby-sized image of baby bear snuggled in the billum is currently in
the creative process. On completion it will be printed on corflute cut-out to be held in the selfie opportunity #guess who I met on my walk this morning? #me
and baby bear
It is our hope that Baby Bear’s Chair will foster rich conversations and action about the importance of a daily walk outside and the reading aloud to babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers at least five times a day.
And so… that is how our story started.
Once upon a time,
The Three Bears, a modern, healthy active family came to reside at a beach
in tropical Far North Queensland.

However, unlike the fairy tale our favourite overnight oats recipes require no cooking, just a little preparation the night before – A walk before breakfast is a
very healthy habit, a beautiful morning ritual and the making of an incredible family tradition, where truly falling in love with nature is the inheritance we want to pass down the generations and…
They lived happily ever after.