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The adventures of Saskia

Article was written by Jade (Saskia's mother)

For as long as I can remember, books and reading have held a special place in my heart. I am so grateful to my own parents for having read to me from birth and in doing so, instilling in me a love of stories and learning that has remained with me ever since. Some of my fondest childhood memories are of snuggly bedtime stories and of hours spent reading under the shade of a tree.
My name is Jade, also known as ‘Mama’ to my 15-month-old daughter Saskia. Together with my husband, Thomas, we live in a small, rural village about 20 minutes outside of Launceston in Tasmania.  One of the best things about where we live is the freedom Saskia has to get outside and explore the natural world. Our ‘neighbours’ include cows, sheep, horses, chickens, ducks, and also some very lovely people. Saskia’s day cannot begin before looking out the windows to greet her ‘friends’ and see if the local galahs have congregated on the powerline out the front. (pic)


Reading together has created so many special moments for our family. I was surprised to discover that some of the books Saskia seems to enjoy most were also favourites of mine when I was small. One in particular is a story about a cat that features lots of rhyming and repetition. Having read it so many times (and had it read to me, as a child), I now know it by heart. This came in handy when Saskia was tiny and would cry in the car. As we drove, I would recite the story and she would slowly calm down. What a relief! As we have explored new books, this one had been put aside for a while and I had forgotten about this magic power, until recently when it became more of a challenge to keep my busy little bee still for long enough to change her nappy. One day, I spontaneously began to recite the old story and was again surprised at its calming effect. It has, once again, become a handy tool to use in tricky situations and remains a clear favourite with Saskia who now demands more at the end of each telling.

Some of our favourite things to do as a family are working in our veggie garden, visiting local farmers’ markets, cooking and eating good food and exploring the surrounding forests and lakes. And of course, reading. Thomas is Austrian, so we’re raising Saskia as bilingual in English and German. Reading to her in both languages has been a wonderful way for us to share with Saskia the nursery rhymes and stories of our own childhoods and for the three of us to share the joy of their retelling and the memories that evoke. Saskia’s little library includes a mix of new and old books; many of my own childhood books kept by my mum; books handed down or gifted by family and friends; and new discoveries from our fabulous local bookstore. Our German-language books are mostly second-hand from Facebook Marketplace, but we also have a selection of new board books and wonderful ‘unkaputtbar’ (translation: indestructible) mini books that are water resistant and tear-proof, from BookDepository.com. (pic)
We’re lucky to be a part of a wonderful community where clothes, toys and books are handed down and home-grown produce is generously shared.
Even at her young age, we can see the great joy Saskia takes in reading her favourite books and in exploring the natural world. As her parents it is our hope that, as she grows, these simple pleasures will continue to delight and inspire her.