
Discover our testimonials from attendees at our latest workshops. These reflections encapsulate why we’re passionate about what we do! 

The workshop made me think more about what I can do to make changes in both my personal and professional life, it has brought back a spark! I liked that there was no PowerPoint. I loved Alison’s enthusiasm, knowledge, and love of the topic. Loved it. Thank you so much.


Re-ignited my Passion for Early Learning play. I loved Alison’s ideas and enthusiasm, especially the passion she has! Creative ideas with natural resources too. I loved it. Thank you so much. 


I am a lover of sensory play and all things outdoors so this has inspired me to think more about what I can achieve and how there are endless possibilities. I loved the enthusiastic presentation, well thought out and beautiful presentation. I was held captive as Alison described everything about teaching. I loved it!! Thank you, a Saturday, well spent. 


I learnt how to look at things in many different ways. It made me look beyond that way that I am feeling. I am hating studying but now I want to push through and learn more and be the change. I like everything. I felt relaxed. I wanted to listen and could have listened for many more hours. I loved it. You are simply Amazing. Thank You.

— Karlie

The workshop made me think about my teaching techniques, but more importantly I thought about my reflective practices, both personally and professionally. I loved the energy! I liked the knowledge that was shared. And I also enjoyed the learning process especially talking about nature and ecology. I thoroughly enjoyed the presentation. I enjoyed the importance of learning about outdoors and the environment. 

– Catherine.

Igniting a sense of Wonder is integral to be able to imagine compassion, kindness and make a connection with ALL living things. I loved the authentic love and passion that oozes from Alison. I loved it! Everyone needs to be reminded. Alison is a breath of fresh air that makes my leaves dance. 


I learned how impactful; we are as early childhood educators are in our little people’s lives. From the workshop I got a new/renewed appreciation of the local natural environment where I have lived and grew up (Southside Cairns). Thank you for inspiring me to return back to studying mt B. Ed ECE. 


I thought about our future and where it’s going; and what we need to do to make it a better world. About the workshop – I liked Everything! And the Goosebumps I got! I love everything about you!! 

– Rachael

Alison encouraged us passionately to reconnect with nature and how we can influence young children in our care to nurture a deeper connection to the natural world. I loved the Elm Dance. The entire workshop was a feast for the senses – ears, eyes, body and mind – it was incredible. It was inspiring and thought provoking. Alison opens up pathways in your brain that have been shut down or inactive – you can literally feel it responding!! 
